I have been in Michelin every Friday And Saturday since the project started and I am really getting to know people on the site now, which is great.
The aim for this part of the project is to develop a video work which will be shown at the final gathering and also shown on site at the Michelin Factory.
I have been recording audio interviews with staff and making video portraits of staff and the site. There are just over 800 people at the factory from many different backgrounds doing a huge range of jobs, so I have been trying to spend some time in every area. It has been quite tricky to get to meet everyone repeatedly because the factory works a four week shift rotation so it is three weeks before I can see the same people again after each visit. However, the staff have been really helpful about arranging times I can come and meet them. Some of the staff suggested I record a group interview. This happened two weeks ago and was a good opportunity for staff to direct the process of interviewing.